Sunday, August 17, 2008

Weeks 3 & 4

The following opinions are my own, but you may come to find that they're yours too. See, I'm not a body builder. I don't want to be a body builder. I'm not a professional athlete, and though, I think that the life of a professional athlete is alluring I think that trying to go pro without any formal amateur training and experience could be considered laughable at this point, but, I suppose stranger things have happened. It's not on the agenda in any event. I've learned recently that people are very protective of things they're fond of or relate to. I'm the same way, I just approach it differently, I suppose, and though like everyone, I have my shortcomings and aspects of my personality could be improved upon I consider myself to have a non-typical view of the world and people. We're manipulated, we're all subject to conforming to a stereotype whether we realize it or not, and that often makes things predictable and boring. So, shake things up, make a change. Challenge people and their beliefs. I'm not saying attack what people think and believe, because that's wrong to do. I'm suggesting that being informed and playing Devil's Advocate isn't necessarily a bad thing if it makes someone more open minded. I have come to terms that this journey will be controversial, and to some I'll be a hero and to other's I'll be the villain. It's all a matter of perspective. Weeks 3 and 4 have been very dynamic. Putting me through a wide range of emotions, just like any good scripted show would have anyway. At the end of Week 3 I had great gains and were feeling amazing, confident, and happy. For the first time in my life I was becoming comfortable in my skin, not having to worry about being shirtless or concerned that someone will make fun of me for being too skinny or gross or something. Then, as fate would have it, the stomach flu went around the house due to some bad milk and I lost all my water weight and wound up back around the 145 mark, which is still considered an improvement for sure. Thus showing that our methodology of low-pill intake to minimize potential negative affects, and a healthy full balanced diet with a strict workout regimen is working. By the end of the week I had re-hit the 150lbs mark and couldn't of been happier going into the big premiere weekend. I have a fabled history of having unsuccessful birthday party events, somehow, every year they just don't work out. This year, however, it was an amazing success! The amount of support I'm receiving is unbelievable. People love the show and think that me getting healthier is a very smart decision. Some are afraid that I will turn into a "meat-head" and will forget who I was before this project, and, I understand the concern but I'd like to assure those people that what we're trying to accomplish is a physical and health improvement, not a complete overhaul to all aspects of my personality. We're trying to maximize my strength and minimize my weaknesses. I'll be the "same guy", I'll just be happy with myself for the first time in a very, very, very long time. We should all strive for greatness, and though greatness is a relative term, I have a very specific and personal list of what I wish to obtain to, for me, be as great as I can be. We still have so much work to do, though, and it's nice to celebrate but there's a long road ahead. With 10 episodes remaining on the broadcast schedule, and 8 weeks remaining in the program, it's a lot for a small 3-man-crew to undertake!


Blair87 said...

Hey Bro
Glad to hear that the gains are coming along. Throw some milk thistle in there, counteracts the negative effects of the gear on the liver. Train hard bro.


Anonymous said...

Milk Thistle will not save you from the dangers your liver faces. Though it will help protect it, the bile ducts in your liver are still thickening making it difficult for the liver to detox itself of the damaging chemicals from the oral anabolics. This can lead to cirrosis of the liver which can cause permanent damage to your body. There is a product called Liver Longer - an acid that erodes the bile in the liver. Be sure to have a thoroughly planned out Post Cycle Therapy as well.

Unknown said...

Seriously, you need to eat, train properly and tell those "fantasic" dick they need to shut the fuck up. Put it this way, i'm 15, 163cm, 140lbs and i do 2x the weight of what those roid users do. i eat 6x a day, i have 6% body fat, and i'm fit healthy, strong, acne free (i'm a teen, and i had it really bad when i weighted 160lb, no muscle, 18% body fat, only a year ago). anybody who thinks this is a good idea, put it this way, no woman will want you if your hugh but can only shoudler press 20lb in each arm LOL

Anonymous said...

you are determined ,i know


Welcome to the home of "Steroids Saved My Life". This is a site dedicated to the progress of Peter and his journey of taking steroids. Peter has been skinny all his life, and has decided to do something about it.

Through weekly episodes and reports, you will be able to follow with Peter as he works to transform himself.