Friday, December 12, 2008

Episodes 8, 9, 10 & 11

and now that we've come now to the end of things... Or, I thought so anyway. Through our often-erratic release schedule we encountered a unique dichotomy of support, both largely positive and equally negative at times. When we started out this experiment in July we knew the risks, knew full well what type of show we were and what controversy we were likely to stir up. The hate mail and anti-Peter comments were admittedly hard to swallow… for about a day, then I remembered what most people use the internet for: slandering other anonymously. Then I was fine. In truth I kind of got bored at certain intervals with the same negative comments over and over and wondered what had become of the once mighty Internet if it had become so repetitive and uninspired at one of its easiest and most favourite things: hating others for doing… anything.

We were at war with mindless YouTubers, and it was fun. We knew we were always in control because we were supplying the product, and as such directly influenced and moulded a large part of your responses by the way we presented the show. It’s the same thing essentially every show on television or film in theatres does: construct a product in a certain way to encourage the manifestation of both negative and positive opinions. Because if the product keeps people talking, keeps them actively engaged and thinking or talking about it then the chances of success are dramatically increased. It would be simply naive to consider the possibility that the media isn’t controlling our opinions, that we aren’t conditioned to react in one manner or another, and it was this notion that allowed us to keep our secrets close to our chest and kept us feeling comfortable that people would tune-in to each episode.

We got shut down on Facebook for “terms of use violation”, but when I thoroughly consulted their Terms page I found that we were by no means in violation of any of their terms of use and had been operating well within the limitations of their service. It was around this time that we noticed our videos were being flagged as “inappropriate” to YouTube, thus cutting down the number of potential viewers we could get because only persons with age-appropriate accounts could now view our show. We put two and two together and realized that some number of people had moved on from simple hater-comments and were now trying to rid the Internet of us, or at the very least limit who could see us. The Internet had answered our call and it was our turn to fight back. Research and advertising was done more than ever and the show was being promoted like never before, and we saw our hits rise to newer and greater heights!

That brings me to Episode 11, the finale episode, in which our message and intent became clear, all the dust was settled and mostly everything was revealed… for about a day. YouTube (proudly owned by Google) took this episode down for, you guessed it: CONTENT INAPPROPRIATE! Some episodes we were maybe a little risqué, or maybe employed a different sense of humour, or maybe made fun of some conventions, or whatever, the point is that how in the world did Episode 11 do anything THAT different from any of the other 10 episodes? Look, I’m not boo-hooing that my show’s finale got taken down because people (a lot of people) saw it, and more will see it, and they’ll see Episode 12 (the update/blooper episode), too. It’s just another example of someone not liking what they hear, not liking that their expected result wasn’t the actual one, not liking that we told it like it was, and they had to take it down. Spare me!

In my opinion we were delivering something unique to YouTube because we weren’t one of those shows with someone talking into his or her web cam (no offence intended to those of you who do this, I find many of your shows very entertaining and original in context just not in format), we tried to be a fully-produced original content webisode mini-series, and for those of you scoring at home: yes we have received broadcast offers. In closing I would like to thank the people who truly wanted to be a part of this physical and sociological experiment with us, those people who encouraged me through and through and offered genuine help, advice, and their stories for me along the way. I feel honoured and privileged to have been invited onto your computer screen over the past few months for a few minutes a day so that I could share my story. I would also like to thank Nenad and Shane for their continued help, support, and friendship. You guys are like brothers to me.

So, Internet, it’s been a nice ride, and for now anyway, I must quietly step aside, but before I do… I’d like to bring up that at the outset of this experiment I said, “the better you look, the more you see” (Ellis, Bret Easton; “Glamorama”) and I came to find these words far more true than I initially hypothesized… Now I’ll turn it over to you true believer for one last (or, is it one more?) time to figure why I believe that quote adequately sums up this entire show, because I think the finding of the answer will allow you to


Anonymous said...

12 weeks of steroid use and you look exactly the same...

You may as well have cycled chocolate milk.

Heres an idea squats... deadlifts you know food?

Mr.Fantastic sounds like a douche he doesn't even look like he lifts.

Anonymous said...

he doesnt look the same, its because hes tall that you dont see the full effects of a gained 30lbs. This kid busted his ass for 12weeks, show some respect why dont you?

Anonymous said...

Peter, I must say this, congrats. Unfortunately, it doesn't help with the "other" stereo types out there who actually abuse the roids, and hence, brings it back on our laps to say, all the negative comments. I too am on steroids, of course monitored by a doctor, and when in one week I noticed a difference in moods (of course for the better), I couldn't understand some people. Long story short, my Testosterone was very low as well so Im on Test C. And I am not using it to make gains, simply to get me back together. Some people just need to get a whole lot of education on the Anabolic steroids before bashing on people, and it is those "uneducated" who are by far the most ridiculous. Jealousy, perhaps, or basically they have nothing else better to do than to sit behind the computer and talk smack.

Hey simply put, You have done a tremendous job, very good gains, and; hey, it was only what 12 weeks or so, give it about 2 years and I can only imagine the results. Keep up the good work and keep it going.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous. That is a pathetic gain you have got there. Start with 65 lbs with bench en ended up with 125? Wtf?! I started at 125 LBS when I was 13-14 years old and with only 2 months of training I maxed 205 LBS WITHOUT ROIDS. Damn you must suck and damn you are a perfect stereo-type of a stupid body-builder. 12 weeks on roids you should have reached atleast 230 LBS.

And to Timothy_carrier18, no he can't have busted his ass off with that gain. If he busted hes ass off it would show. Believe me.

Anonymous said...

Great job. Adding 30lbs in 12 weeks is terrific. I hope you keep up the positive habits you gained while cycling.

It is unfortunate to see the negative posts from "Anonymous" about looking the same and saying that you should be benching 230 pounds in 2 months, those are obviously posts from unintelligent children.

Hope to see you try a second cycle in the future, as long as you eat healthy and work out you should be fine.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how many IDIOTS there is! Just makes me laugh to read what they have to say, jealousy is a wonderful thing, eh?
@Peter&crew: Really awesome experiment you did, i enjoyed every single second i watched. Been watching it more then once. What you guys did was unique, brave and interesting as hell! I hope to see more from you, maybe something else then steroids? Until you decide if your going for round 2.
More people should see this, thumbs up and thanks for a great show! (yeah im a bit hyped)

Anonymous said...

WOW! Dude you look great now. Cannot believe that someone can change that much in 12 weeks! Keep it up!

P A Bradbury said...
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P A Bradbury said...
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Anonymous said...

I watch all your videos and must say congrats on the gains you have achieved and hope all the best for you in the future.

Anonymous said...

When is episode 12 going to be out??

Anonymous said...

i have my football season coming up in the spring I am an 140 lb running back my goal is 180-190 by the season starts which is about may-june i am 15 turning 16 an i will be playing in a u 18 rep leauge in ontario. i have got a hold of a low dosage anabolic steroid (pills) an i want to know if i should take them or not ? please get back to me someone...

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't take them, you need time to grow since you are way too woung to start. Also a lot of research is needed too before doing that.

Anonymous said...

Hello i just stumbled over your show and found it very entertaining. good job on the show. but to be hounest i doubt its authentic i thik your sort of pulling lonlygirl 15
you dont look like your using steriods but just using weight gainer and working out.

keep the good work up.

and ye i had the same problem with you tube they tend to just remove accounts when it ticles thier fancy.


Anonymous said...

Great show, would like to see how much you have improved since episode 12. Great Videos!

Anonymous said...

well he did make a big difference in size and weight and thats good for peter and what he did was smart to take steriods on a low scale and not go major anabolic or m1t's and it shows u that if u stay dedicated and work out hard u can get somewhere in life .. ps when i seen u work out and all the tower's from behind in the gym i thought it was vancouver and then when u said it was vancouver i was like nice a canadian did it :D go canada bc forever lol

Anonymous said...

Canadians rule, also from Canada too. Too many haters on youtube :P

Anonymous said...

That Nerd Anonymous( December 14, 2008 1:21 PM ) must be super jelious, ive watch your show and got inspired. Your gain is absolutly a big difference from week 1 to 12, Steorids really saved your life mate.

Good work 10/10

Anonymous said...

Hey i would first like to say i am a great fan of the show. Although i am not a fan of steroid use, i do not have enough adequate positive information to make an educated decision, therefore i stay off it. All of that aside, u have changed alot and seen fantastic gains as it is very hard to start off the way u did with almost no building blocks for muscle. I think now u have a good base of muscle and can rapidly put on more. I am also a hard gainer bein near 6 feet and 160 pounds, it is hard to gain weight but i believe putting alot of food into your body is the most important part. In three months i went from benching 95 to 160 pounds with a regular workout schedule and some supplements therefore i do not think u need to use steroids again, just eat like a starved pig and workout regularely with help of some safe supplementation. Great job on making yourself look better and most importantly raising your self confidence.

Benjamin said...

Hey Peter as a fellow tall man at 6' I must say your gains are pretty good, about 15lb of muscle mass in total is pretty solid considering your low starting weight. Hope you keep up the diet and keep training, you'll be 80+ kg in no time. I personally started at about 180lb a year back thereabouts and am now at 220 so all you need is time!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making this show. It was a great watch! have made some solid gains in 12 weeks...inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter!

It's too bad anyone has any negative feedback about this experiment/production/life change. I thought you did an amazing job! The production was professional and absolutely hilarious, I really enjoyed it, I've watched the series twice now.

The experiment was incredibley brave to say the least; took a lot of balls to do what you did and be able to laugh at yourself, I know I couldn't do what you did.

And most important, the life change we witnessed! Outstanding, from eating poorly to eating great is a transition many people will not make throughout their entire lives, even most adults. Was very impressed with the turn around.

What I don't think most people understand is, you weren't neccessarily going for the bodybuilder look. I think most people with something negative to say expected something way beyond what they saw, but they just didn't know quite how the whole process and life change worked.

You can find most of these people going onto YouTube and leaving comments on videos of championship bodybuilders criticizing their form on exercises or how much weight they're lifting.

But again, fantastic job, really really enjoyed the show!

Anonymous said...

I thought this was great! Its funny but I have looked for footage like this when I was considering taking my first cycle and couldn't find any, thanks for doing this. I definitely saw the difference and while it wasn't mind blowing it was smart and it showed that steroids work. Now that you know better a second cycle will probably do wonders, but I wouldn't stick to just orals!
I'll be keeping an eye on the site, thanks again great job!

jason said...

I just wanted to thank you for such an amazing series. Steroid use in the US is such a taboo subject and there is such a huge stigma about it. For us genetic hard-gainers, for us who've spent years on strict diets, spent thousands of dollars on trainers, food and supplements, for us who've had to endure the constant "you're not doing something right" ignorant comments; this series proves that there is hope. And there is nothing dirty or shameful about doing whatever is best for you to improve your life. Do steroids responsibly, intelligently, and without shame. The world follow one day.

Anonymous said...

I watched all 11 episodes and I enjoyed them thoroughly. Peter, you are the MAN for getting in front of the camera and putting yourself out there the way you did (considering how many haters exist on the net today).
I met Peter on the VFS set of "Vacant"; he was a TA and I was a zombie. He's a good and knowledgeable guy. He told me about the show, and it got me interested enough to watch it.
There were a number of experiments going on in the show; Peter's use of steroids being the most obvious. I think the parody/mockumentary level was quite low, as I believed it to be a genuine reality show after watching the first episode (knowing full well from Peter himself that it was a mixture of reality and fiction).
Kudos to Peter and the crew!
Alex B.

Anonymous said...

i'm an ecto my self so i know how hard that is to gain like 30lbs, steroids wouldn't do the whole job, first thing is food then the workout routine then rest and of course believe in what you do. it seems you've done everything properly so congratulations. One thing i'd like to know is how often, how much and what did you eat while you were on the orals also were you skipping any meals? reason i ask is that i'm thinking on doing a similar cycle but what keeps me from not to is the idea of not eating enough food or skipping meals! although i feel hungry every 3 hours i just don't want to eat such a large meal like every diet says to. since you' ve tried a cycle maybe you could give me some advise here. Enjoyed the videos very much and i can't wait for your second run hope it'll be soon! Thanks

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is bravo!

The message you guys are trying to get across about steriod use is one that needs to be heard more often.

Video and production was great, very entertaining and motivating!

Dom, New York


WOW! It's pretty impressive!

Anonymous said...

bravo for this whole project.

steroids are not the problem, drug abusers are. steroids are actually an amazing innovation in science that have major positive affects when used correctly.

I'm not 100% certain he used steroids. His gains seem about right considering where he started and change of diet. 2 lbs. per week seems right, now if he kept those gains going up to 200+ then I would believe roids. From here on out his gains will be much harder to get as the muscle eats through his food intake.

Anonymous said...

You need to make part 2.

Anonymous said...

You need to make part 2.

Anonymous said...

You need to make part 2.

Anonymous said...

You need to make part 2.

Steroids UK said...

great show would love to see you do another cycle under the guidance of a top trainer / roid guru :-)

Bogus77 said...

You've definitely improved yourself from the first video to the last video, but couldn't you have done that without the steroids? Just going to the gym and eating properly must have made a huge difference for you.

I don't want you to think I'm one of the internet haters, I did enjoy your videos and I think you've made positive changes in your life. But you told us almost nothing about your actual steroid use. We're left to guess what drugs you took and what dosages, or if you even really took steroids at all. (Although the pills look like Dianabol.)

In any case, over a year and a half has passed since the video series, any chance of a sequel?

Steroids injections said...

Steroids can really help if not abused. it is always advisable to seek for someone professional before administering injections.

Maureen Grace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steroids said...

any chance of a second series ?

legit steroid websites said...

Those who are using steroids for horses are risking their health.The kidney and liver could suffer and break down making it no longer functional.

legit steroid websites said...

Steroids can really help if not abused. it is always advisable to seek for someone professional before administering injections.

The Don said...

Im really enjoying your vidoes mate. I think you really must have loads of confidence to be able to put your whole life on blast. People will get jealoused, and try to pull you down, but I think you already know that and wont let them effect you. there's very little real info on roids, and your videos is probably the first of its kind. The honesty, is refreshing and even though Im usually the harshest of critics, you have won me over with your down to earth personality , honesty and eagerness to improve. I really wish you the best of luck in future. I do wanna warn you of something though, you are what is called in the business a "Hardgainer", do some research on what tha is and means. when you stop the cycle, realise you CANNOT train 5 times a week or keep eating same calories, no matter what Mr fantastic says. message me if you wanna know more about how natural hardgainesr train, but the meat of it is they train 2-3 times a week max, aned eat calories carefully as they dont build muscle fast and so gotta be careful on diet, too much and they get fat , not enough and no muscle. rest is alos imrportant . On roids you have extra Test in your body so you can train 5 times a week and everything you eat is gonna be used for muscle gain pretty much. Also be sure to research Post cycle Therapy , ist very very important, to do that correctly or you will end up with problems. PCt as its known for short entails anti estrogen or Serms, and HCG to help return your natural hormone . balance. I think you already knolw this though, as i saw some HCG in your video, but I thought just in case . Anyway thanks for the vidoe, it was very entertaining and informative. looking forward to seeing more from you.

The Don said...

Oh just saw last video i see you are doing a PCT. You said you got some Bitch tits, that happens cause of too high estrogen, you should have perhaps taken anti estrogen or even better a serm during the cyle too occasionally. In the future on a cycle as soon as you notice sensitive nips take a serm or anti estrogen. Also the only actual cure for bitch tits is a drug called Letrozole. Nolvadex is more a precautions drug, rather than cure. So if you they dont go away after a week of Nolvadex go get the ultar powerful letrozole, But be careful Letrozle is VERY strong.

axiolabs supplier said...

These are really helpful information. Steroids are good muscle enhancers, but one has to follow all the precautions to see great effects.

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Before administering steroid injection, make sure that all equipments to be used are sterilized. never ever re-use needles,especially needles that were used by another person.

buy steroid said...

Steroids are a drug designed to be an aid to your existing regiment of training and lifestyle.


Welcome to the home of "Steroids Saved My Life". This is a site dedicated to the progress of Peter and his journey of taking steroids. Peter has been skinny all his life, and has decided to do something about it.

Through weekly episodes and reports, you will be able to follow with Peter as he works to transform himself.